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At the royal college of Physicians
and surgeons of Glasgow

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  • Tags: Glasgow Western Infirmary

Photograph of Walter Weir Galbraith


Dublin Core


Photograph of Walter Weir Galbraith


Photograph of Walter Weir Galbraith

Walter Galbraith graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1914 with an MB, ChB. After serving during the First World War, Galbraith joined the surgical staff at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He remained at the Infirmary for the rest of his career, retiring from his position as Senior Consulting Surgeon in 1954.

Galbraith served as president of the College from 1950 to 1952.


c. 1950-1952


RCPSG 1/12/5/5


Photograph of Walter Weir Galbraith

Walter Galbraith graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1914 with an MB, ChB. After serving during the First World War, Galbraith joined the surgical staff at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He remained at the Infirmary for the rest of his career, retiring from his position as Senior Consulting Surgeon in 1954.

Galbraith served as president of the College from 1950 to 1952.

Photograph of David Knox


Dublin Core


Photograph of David Knox


Photograph of David Knox.

David Knox graduated in medicine from the University of Glasgow in 1872. He worked as a resident at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, after which he worked as a Demonstrator of Anatomy with Allen Thomson at Glasgow University until Thomson's retirement in 1877. He lectured in anatomy at several of Glasgow's institutues including Haldane's Academy of Art (precursor to the Glasgow School of Art) and the Royal Veterinary College.
In 1875 he became Dispensary Surgeon of the Glasgow Western Infirmary and also worked as part of the surgical staff of the Glasgow Eye Infirmary. He then moved on to become Surgeon to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary in 1892, becoming the first Professor or Surgery at St Mungo's College.

Knox was president of the College from 1909 to 1911.


c. 1909-1911


RCPSG 1/12/5/5


Photograph of David Knox.

David Knox graduated in medicine from the University of Glasgow in 1872. He worked as a resident at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, after which he worked as a Demonstrator of Anatomy with Allen Thomson at Glasgow University until Thomson's retirement in 1877. He lectured in anatomy at several of Glasgow's institutues including Haldane's Academy of Art (precursor to the Glasgow School of Art) and the Royal Veterinary College.
In 1875 he became Dispensary Surgeon of the Glasgow Western Infirmary and also worked as part of the surgical staff of the Glasgow Eye Infirmary. He then moved on to become Surgeon to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary in 1892, becoming the first Professor or Surgery at St Mungo's College.

Knox was president of the College from 1909 to 1911.

Photograph of Geoffrey B Fleming


Dublin Core


Photograph of Geoffrey B Fleming


Photograph of Geoffrey B Fleming.

Geoffrey Fleming graduated from the University of Cambridge BC in 1908, MB in 1910 and MD in 1914. Fleming worked as House Physician at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and the Glasgow Fever Hospitals. He also worked as Dispensary Physician at the Western Infirmary. After the First World War, where he served in the Royal Army Medical Corps, Fleming became Assistant Physician and later Physician to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow. Upon his retiral he became Consulting Physician to this hospital. In 1924 he was appointed Professor of Medical Paediatrics at the University of Glasgow.

He became a Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1926 and was president from 1946 to 1948.


c. 1946-1948


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Photograph of Geoffrey B Fleming.

Geoffrey Fleming graduated from the University of Cambridge BC in 1908, MB in 1910 and MD in 1914. Fleming worked as House Physician at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and the Glasgow Fever Hospitals. He also worked as Dispensary Physician at the Western Infirmary. After the First World War, where he served in the Royal Army Medical Corps, Fleming became Assistant Physician and later Physician to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow. Upon his retiral he became Consulting Physician to this hospital. In 1924 he was appointed Professor of Medical Paediatrics at the University of Glasgow.

He became a Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1926 and was president from 1946 to 1948.

Photograph of William A Sewell


Dublin Core


Photograph of William A Sewell


Photograph of William Alexander Sewell.

William Sewell gained his MBChB from the University of Glasgow in 1909. Sewell held several surgical posts throughout his career. He was Visiting Surgeon to the Glasgow Victoria Infirmary and Assistant Dispensary Surgeon to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. Sewell also worked as House Surgeon to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Assistant Surgeon to the Glasgow Western Infirmary.

Sewell became a Fellow of the College in 1926 and was president from 1944 to 1946.


c. 1944-1946


RCPSG 1/12/5/5


Photograph of William Alexander Sewell.

William Sewell gained his MBChB from the University of Glasgow in 1909. Sewell held several surgical posts throughout his career. He was Visiting Surgeon to the Glasgow Victoria Infirmary and Assistant Dispensary Surgeon to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. Sewell also worked as House Surgeon to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Assistant Surgeon to the Glasgow Western Infirmary.

Sewell became a Fellow of the College in 1926 and was president from 1944 to 1946.

Photograph of William R Snodgrass


Dublin Core


Photograph of William R Snodgrass


Photograph of William R Snodgrass.

William Snodgrass graduated from the University of Glasgow with a BSc in 1912 and MBChB in 1913. Soon after he worked as a medical officer in France during the First World War. After the War he was appointed as an extra dispensary physician at the Glasgow Western Infirmary, also taking up general practice in 1919. He gained his MD from the University of Glasgow in 1935. In 1942 he became Physician to the Wards at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He was also Visiting Consulting Physician to the Glasgow Eye Infirmary and Physician to the Southern General Hospital.

Snodgrass became a Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1920 , was Honorary Librarian from 1933 to 1946 and president from 1948 to 1950.


c. Unknown


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Photograph of William R Snodgrass.

William Snodgrass graduated from the University of Glasgow with a BSc in 1912 and MBChB in 1913. Soon after he worked as a medical officer in France during the First World War. After the War he was appointed as an extra dispensary physician at the Glasgow Western Infirmary, also taking up general practice in 1919. He gained his MD from the University of Glasgow in 1935. In 1942 he became Physician to the Wards at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He was also Visiting Consulting Physician to the Glasgow Eye Infirmary and Physician to the Southern General Hospital.

Snodgrass became a Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1920 , was Honorary Librarian from 1933 to 1946 and president from 1948 to 1950.

Photograph of Roy Frew Young


Dublin Core


Photograph of Roy Frew Young


Photograph of Roy Frew Young.

Roy Frew Young graduated in arts and medicine from Cambridge University. He worked alongside Sir George Beatson at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and JB Mackenzie Anderson at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. In 1909 he became part of the Junior Surgical staff at the Glasgow Western Infirmary.

He served in France with the RAMC during the First World War and was awarded the Military Cross. After the War he became Assistant Surgeon to the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He also worked as Surgeon to the Royal Alexandra Infirmary and in 1924 he was made Visiting Surgeon to the Glasgow Western Infirmary.

Young was president of the College from 1940 to 1942.


c. 1940-1942


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Photograph of Roy Frew Young.

Roy Frew Young graduated in arts and medicine from Cambridge University. He worked alongside Sir George Beatson at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and JB Mackenzie Anderson at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. In 1909 he became part of the Junior Surgical staff at the Glasgow Western Infirmary.

He served in France with the RAMC during the First World War and was awarded the Military Cross. After the War he became Assistant Surgeon to the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He also worked as Surgeon to the Royal Alexandra Infirmary and in 1924 he was made Visiting Surgeon to the Glasgow Western Infirmary.

Young was president of the College from 1940 to 1942.

Photograph of Archibald Young


Dublin Core


Photograph of Archibald Young


Photograph of Archibald Young.

Archibald Young qualified MB,CM from the University of Glasgow in 1895 after which he spent time in Europe continuing his studies. After returning to Glasgow he worked under great mentors, including Joseph Coats and Sir William Macewen. He spent much of his career working at the Western Infirmary, gradually working his way up the surgical posts from Extra Dispensary Surgeon in 1903 to Visiting Surgery to the Infirmary in 1917.

He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1913 and was made Professor of Surgery at Anderson College. Young was Regius Professor of Surgery at the University of Glasgow from 1924–1939 and President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow from 1935 to 1937.

Professor Young was president of the College from 1935 to 1937.


c. 1935-1937


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Photograph of Archibald Young.

Archibald Young qualified MB,CM from the University of Glasgow in 1895 after which he spent time in Europe continuing his studies. After returning to Glasgow he worked under great mentors, including Joseph Coats and Sir William Macewen. He spent much of his career working at the Western Infirmary, gradually working his way up the surgical posts from Extra Dispensary Surgeon in 1903 to Visiting Surgery to the Infirmary in 1917.

He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1913 and was made Professor of Surgery at Anderson College. Young was Regius Professor of Surgery at the University of Glasgow from 1924–1939 and President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow from 1935 to 1937.

Professor Young was president of the College from 1935 to 1937.

Photograph of Robert Barclay Ness


Dublin Core


Photograph of Robert Barclay Ness


Photograph of Robert Barclay Ness.

Robert Barclay Ness graduated from the University of Glasgow MB, CM in 1887. After working for some time in private practice, he became Dispensary Physician to the Glasgow Western Infirmary in 1895. In 1910 he became Visiting Physician to the Western Infirmary and was made Honorary Consulting Physician to the Infirmary upon his retirement in 1928. He also worked as Visiting Physician to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children.

In 1893 he was appointed Professor of Materia Medica at Anderson College and in 1905 he became Professor of the Practice of Medicine.

Ness was president of the College from 1931 to 1933.


c. Unknown


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Photograph of Robert Barclay Ness.

Robert Barclay Ness graduated from the University of Glasgow MB, CM in 1887. After working for some time in private practice, he became Dispensary Physician to the Glasgow Western Infirmary in 1895. In 1910 he became Visiting Physician to the Western Infirmary and was made Honorary Consulting Physician to the Infirmary upon his retirement in 1928. He also worked as Visiting Physician to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children.

In 1893 he was appointed Professor of Materia Medica at Anderson College and in 1905 he became Professor of the Practice of Medicine.

Ness was president of the College from 1931 to 1933.

Photograph of Professor John Munro Kerr


Dublin Core


Photograph of Professor John Munro Kerr


Photograph of Professor John Munro Kerr.

John Munro Kerr graduated from the University of Glasgow MB CM in 1890 and began specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology. He was made Professorial Assistant to Murdoch Cameron, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Glasgow, in 1894. This involved working at the University of Glasgow and on the wards of the Royal Maternity Hospital and the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He was made Visiting Surgeon at the Maternity Hospital in 1900.

Munro Kerr was elected to the chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Anderson College in 1910, then taking Muirhead chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Glasgow in 1911. His Assistant at this time was Louise McIlroy.

Munro Kerr was president of the College from 1933 to 1935.


c. Unknown


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Photograph of Professor John Munro Kerr.

John Munro Kerr graduated from the University of Glasgow MB CM in 1890 and began specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology. He was made Professorial Assistant to Murdoch Cameron, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Glasgow, in 1894. This involved working at the University of Glasgow and on the wards of the Royal Maternity Hospital and the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He was made Visiting Surgeon at the Maternity Hospital in 1900.

Munro Kerr was elected to the chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Anderson College in 1910, then taking Muirhead chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Glasgow in 1911. His Assistant at this time was Louise McIlroy.

Munro Kerr was president of the College from 1933 to 1935.

Photograph of George H Edington


Dublin Core


Photograph of George H Edington


Photograph of George H Edington.

George Edington started his medical training at King's College London, then continuing his studies at the Univeristy of Glasgow where he graduated MD in 1895.

He held the position of Professor of Surgery and Anatomy at both Anderson's College and the Western Medical School. He was assistant surgeon at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and also worked with Sir William Macewen at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He was Honorary Physician to King George V from 1922 to 1927.

Edington was president of the College from 1927 to 1929.


c. Unknown


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Photograph of George H Edington.

George Edington started his medical training at King's College London, then continuing his studies at the Univeristy of Glasgow where he graduated MD in 1895.

He held the position of Professor of Surgery and Anatomy at both Anderson's College and the Western Medical School. He was assistant surgeon at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and also worked with Sir William Macewen at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He was Honorary Physician to King George V from 1922 to 1927.

Edington was president of the College from 1927 to 1929.

Photograph of Professor Thomas K Monro


Dublin Core


Photograph of Professor Thomas K Monro


Photograph of Professor Thomas K Monro.

Thomas Kirkpatrick Monro qualified in medicine from the University of Glasgow in 1888, gaining his MD in 1895, going on to hold positions at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. After studying abroad for some time, Monro returned to Glasgow to become the pathologist at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. He then worked as a physician at the Infirmary.

He was Professor of Medicine and Dean of the Medical Faculty at St Mungo's College. Then in 1913 he became Regius Professor of Practice of Medicine at the University of Glasgow.

Monro was president of the College from 1923 to 1925.


c. 1923-1925


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Photograph of Professor Thomas K Monro.

Thomas Kirkpatrick Monro qualified in medicine from the University of Glasgow in 1888, gaining his MD in 1895, going on to hold positions at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. After studying abroad for some time, Monro returned to Glasgow to become the pathologist at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. He then worked as a physician at the Infirmary.

He was Professor of Medicine and Dean of the Medical Faculty at St Mungo's College. Then in 1913 he became Regius Professor of Practice of Medicine at the University of Glasgow.

Monro was president of the College from 1923 to 1925.

Photograph of William G Dun


Dublin Core


Photograph of William G Dun


Black and white photograph of William Gibb Dun.

Willian Dun graduated from the University of Glasgow MB, CM in 1877 and gained his MD in 1880. He was House Physician to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and House Surgeon to the Western Infirmary. In 1881 he became assistant to the Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Glasgow, teaching students on the wards of the Western Infirmary.

Dun was president of the College from 1921 to 1923.


c. Unknown


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Black and white photograph of William Gibb Dun.

Willian Dun graduated from the University of Glasgow MB, CM in 1877 and gained his MD in 1880. He was House Physician to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and House Surgeon to the Western Infirmary. In 1881 he became assistant to the Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Glasgow, teaching students on the wards of the Western Infirmary.

Dun was president of the College from 1921 to 1923.

Photograph of William Louden Reid


Dublin Core


Photograph of William Louden Reid


Black and white photograph of William Louden Reid.

William Louden Reid graduated MB, CM from the University of Glasgow in 1866, and had acted as a dresser to Joseph Lister as a student. He gained his MD in 1869 and became a Fellow of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1877. In the same year he began working as a physician at the Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital.

He held several other position in Glasgow during his career; Obstetric Physician to the Royal Maternity Hospital, Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Children in the Anderson College, Gynaecologist to the Western Infirmary and Consulting Surgeon to the Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women.

He became an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1931. Reid served as their President from 1905-1907.


c. Unknown


RCPSG 1/12/5/4


Black and white photograph of William Louden Reid.

William Louden Reid graduated MB, CM from the University of Glasgow in 1866, and had acted as a dresser to Joseph Lister as a student. He gained his MD in 1869 and became a Fellow of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1877. In the same year he began working as a physician at the Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital.

He held several other position in Glasgow during his career; Obstetric Physician to the Royal Maternity Hospital, Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Children in the Anderson College, Gynaecologist to the Western Infirmary and Consulting Surgeon to the Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women.

He became an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1931. Reid served as their President from 1905-1907.

Photograph of Archibald B Kerr


Dublin Core


Photograph of Archibald B Kerr


Photograph of Archibald B Kerr, standing in a group photo.

Archibald Kerr graduated from the University of Glasgow in Medicine in 1929. Early in his career he was Surgeon to Out-Patients at the Western Infirmary in Glasgow and was assistant to Roy Frew Young.

In 1945, after the Second World War, he became Assistant Surgeon at the Wester Infirmary and was Surgeon to the Royal Alexandra Infirmary in Paisley the year after. Due to his work at Paisley, the hospital began to hold clinical classes for students at the University of Glasgow. From 1954 to his retirement in 1972 he worked as Consultant Surgeon in charge of the wards at the Western Infirmary.

Kerr was president of the College from 1964 to 1966.


c. Unknown


RCPSG 1/12/4/247


Photograph of Archibald B Kerr, standing in a group photo.

Archibald Kerr graduated from the University of Glasgow in Medicine in 1929. Early in his career he was Surgeon to Out-Patients at the Western Infirmary in Glasgow and was assistant to Roy Frew Young.

In 1945, after the Second World War, he became Assistant Surgeon at the Wester Infirmary and was Surgeon to the Royal Alexandra Infirmary in Paisley the year after. Due to his work at Paisley, the hospital began to hold clinical classes for students at the University of Glasgow. From 1954 to his retirement in 1972 he worked as Consultant Surgeon in charge of the wards at the Western Infirmary.

Kerr was president of the College from 1964 to 1966.

Portrait of Sir Andrew Watt Kay


Dublin Core


Portrait of Sir Andrew Watt Kay


Photograph of Sir Andrew Watt Kay, seated wearing the presidential robes and medal.

Andrew Watt Kay studied at the University of Glasgow, graduating MBChB with honours in 1939. He then gained his MD with honours in 1944 and ChM with honours in 1949. In 1956 he undertook the position of Consultant Surgeon at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He then suceeded Sir Charles Illingworth at the University of Glasgow as the Regius Professor of Surgery in 1964.

Kay was President of the College from 1972 to 1974.


Elliot Robertson


c. 1978




Photograph of Sir Andrew Watt Kay, seated wearing the presidential robes and medal.

Andrew Watt Kay studied at the University of Glasgow, graduating MBChB with honours in 1939. He then gained his MD with honours in 1944 and ChM with honours in 1949. In 1956 he undertook the position of Consultant Surgeon at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. He then suceeded Sir Charles Illingworth at the University of Glasgow as the Regius Professor of Surgery in 1964.

Kay was President of the College from 1972 to 1974.

Photograph of Sir Robert B Wright


Dublin Core


Photograph of Sir Robert B Wright


Photograph of Sir Robert B Wright, seated in a group photo.

Wright graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1934 wtih a BSc, MBChB with Honours in 1937, ChM in 1953 and LLD in 1981. After the Second World War he worked at the Glasgow Western Infirmary as Assistant Surgeon. He then became Surgeon in Charge at the Southern General Hospital in 1953. He held this position until his retirement in 1980.

He was President of the College from 1968 to 1970.


Elliot Robertson


c. 1978


Photograph of Sir Robert B Wright, seated in a group photo.

Wright graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1934 wtih a BSc, MBChB with Honours in 1937, ChM in 1953 and LLD in 1981. After the Second World War he worked at the Glasgow Western Infirmary as Assistant Surgeon. He then became Surgeon in Charge at the Southern General Hospital in 1953. He held this position until his retirement in 1980.

He was President of the College from 1968 to 1970.

Photograph of James Finlayson


Dublin Core


Photograph of James Finlayson


Photograph of James Finlayson.

Finlayson initially studied Arts at the University of Glasgow in the 1856-1857 session. After a few years working in business with his father, he decided on a career in medicine, beginning his studies at Anderson's College in 1862 and moving to Glasgow University in 1863. He graduated MB, CM in 1867. He received his MD two years later.

He was assistant to Sir William Tennant Gairdner in 1871 while Gairdner was Regius Professor of Medicine at Glasgow. In 1875 Finlayson became Physician of the Glasgow Western Infirmary, a post he held until his death.

In 1877 he was elected as Honorary Librarian of the Faculty, a position he held for 25 years. He was President of the Faculty from 1900 to 1903.


c. Unknown


Photograph of James Finlayson.

Finlayson initially studied Arts at the University of Glasgow in the 1856-1857 session. After a few years working in business with his father, he decided on a career in medicine, beginning his studies at Anderson's College in 1862 and moving to Glasgow University in 1863. He graduated MB, CM in 1867. He received his MD two years later.

He was assistant to Sir William Tennant Gairdner in 1871 while Gairdner was Regius Professor of Medicine at Glasgow. In 1875 Finlayson became Physician of the Glasgow Western Infirmary, a post he held until his death.

In 1877 he was elected as Honorary Librarian of the Faculty, a position he held for 25 years. He was President of the Faculty from 1900 to 1903.

Portrait of Stanley Alstead


Dublin Core


Portrait of Stanley Alstead


Photographic portrait of Stanley Alstead, seated in robes and wearing the College President medal.

Alstead studied at Liverpool University and junior positions in Liverpool, Birmingham and Salford. He became Pollok Lecturer in Pharmacology at the University of Glasgow in 1932 while he was on the dispensary staff at the Western Infirmary. In 1948 he became Regius Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Glasgow, taking charge of a clinical unit at Stobhill General Hospital.

He was President of the College from 1956 to 1958.


Elliot Robertson


c. 1978


Photographic portrait of Stanley Alstead, seated in robes and wearing the College President medal.

Alstead studied at Liverpool University and junior positions in Liverpool, Birmingham and Salford. He became Pollok Lecturer in Pharmacology at the University of Glasgow in 1932 while he was on the dispensary staff at the Western Infirmary. In 1948 he became Regius Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Glasgow, taking charge of a clinical unit at Stobhill General Hospital.

He was President of the College from 1956 to 1958.

Copy of Regulations at the Glasgow Western Infirmary


Dublin Core


Copy of Regulations at the Glasgow Western Infirmary


Printed proof copy of regulations to be observed by clinical clerks, and 'scheme for reporting cases' in Wards 7 and 22.


c. 1900


RCPSG 1/20/5/2


Printed proof copy of regulations to be observed by clinical clerks, and 'scheme for reporting cases' in Wards 7 and 22.

Glasgow Musical Festival Booklet 1873


Dublin Core


Glasgow Musical Festival Booklet 1873


Glasgow Musical Festival : in the City Hall on 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th November, 1873 : in aid of the funds of the Glasgow Western Infirmary, and under the special patronage of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen.


c. 1873


Reading Room ML37.G7 GLA


Robert Anderson


Glasgow Musical Festival : in the City Hall on 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th November, 1873 : in aid of the funds of the Glasgow Western Infirmary, and under the special patronage of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen.

Illustration of the Western Infirmary


Dublin Core


Illustration of the Western Infirmary


Illustration of the Western Infirmary in the west end of Glasgow.


Illustration of the Western Infirmary in the west end of Glasgow.

Early ultraosund scan


Dublin Core


Early ultraosund scan


The scan was taken in 1968 by Dr Patricia Morley at the Western Infirmary, Glasgow. Working with Professor Ian Donald, Dr Morley used an early Diasonograph 'B' scanner sited in the Radiology Department. The scan shows a renal cyst at the upper pole of the left kidney.


Dr Patricia Morley


c. 1968


RCPSG 65/3/1-2


The scan was taken in 1968 by Dr Patricia Morley at the Western Infirmary, Glasgow. Working with Professor Ian Donald, Dr Morley used an early Diasonograph 'B' scanner sited in the Radiology Department. The scan shows a renal cyst at the upper pole of the left kidney.

Scan of Carl Browning Bust


Dublin Core


Scan of Carl Browning Bust


Scan of plaster bust of Professor Carl Browning, who was holder of the Chair of Bacteriology at the University of Glasgow from 1919-1951.


Scan of plaster bust of Professor Carl Browning, who was holder of the Chair of Bacteriology at the University of Glasgow from 1919-1951.

Ultrasonic Echo-Sounding (Sonar)


Dublin Core


Ultrasonic Echo-Sounding (Sonar)


This video was created by Ian Donald to demonstrate the clinical uses of ultrasound. Ian Donald was a British obstetrician who helped to pioneer the use of ultrasound in a clinical context. Along with Glasgow-born engineer, Tom Brown, the two were able to develop the first clinical ultrasound machine in 1956. This pioneering work was accomplished at the Glasgow Western Infirmary.


This video was created by Ian Donald to demonstrate the clinical uses of ultrasound. Ian Donald was a British obstetrician who helped to pioneer the use of ultrasound in a clinical context. Along with Glasgow-born engineer, Tom Brown, the two were able to develop the first clinical ultrasound machine in 1956. This pioneering work was accomplished at the Glasgow Western Infirmary.

Portrait of Professor David Galloway, President 2015-2018


Dublin Core


Portrait of Professor David Galloway, President 2015-2018


Portrait of Professor Galloway. Three quarter length, seated on the President's chair in his office. "Coastal Scene (Arran From Ayrshire)" by Molly Addis in the background.

David Galloway gained his MBChB from the University of Glasgow in 1977, going on to gain his MD in 1985. He worked as a Consultant Surgeon in General and Colorectal Surgery at the Gartnavel General Hospital and the Glasgow Western Infirmary. Galloway was also Lecturer in Surgery and Honorary Senior Registrar at the Glasgow Western Infirmary., and Honorary Senior Registrar at St Mark's Hospital in London.

Galloway became a Fellow of the College in 1981 and was president from 2015 to 2018.




Object number 648
Accession number 2018/19


© the artist

Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

92 x 119 cm (framed)


oil on canvas


Portrait of Professor Galloway. Three quarter length, seated on the President's chair in his office. "Coastal Scene (Arran From Ayrshire)" by Molly Addis in the background.

David Galloway gained his MBChB from the University of Glasgow in 1977, going on to gain his MD in 1985. He worked as a Consultant Surgeon in General and Colorectal Surgery at the Gartnavel General Hospital and the Glasgow Western Infirmary. Galloway was also Lecturer in Surgery and Honorary Senior Registrar at the Glasgow Western Infirmary., and Honorary Senior Registrar at St Mark's Hospital in London.

Galloway became a Fellow of the College in 1981 and was president from 2015 to 2018.

Plaster bust of Professor Carl Browning


Dublin Core


Plaster bust of Professor Carl Browning


Plaster bust by Benno Schotz of Professor Carl Hamilton Browning (1881-1972).

Browning was a Scottish bacteriologist and immunologist. He graduated from the University of Glasgow in medicine in 1907, taking up a position in 1908 as a lecturer in bacteriology under Professor Robert Muir.

In 1911, he became the Director of the Clinical Laboratory at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. After the Great War, he was holder of the Gardiner Chair of Bacteriology at the University of Glasgow from 1919 until 1951.

Professor Browning was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the College in 1958.





Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

50 x 64 x 30 cm




Plaster bust by Benno Schotz of Professor Carl Hamilton Browning (1881-1972).

Browning was a Scottish bacteriologist and immunologist. He graduated from the University of Glasgow in medicine in 1907, taking up a position in 1908 as a lecturer in bacteriology under Professor Robert Muir.

In 1911, he became the Director of the Clinical Laboratory at the Glasgow Western Infirmary. After the Great War, he was holder of the Gardiner Chair of Bacteriology at the University of Glasgow from 1919 until 1951.

Professor Browning was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the College in 1958.

Portrait of William Loudon Reid MD 1845-1931


Dublin Core


Portrait of William Loudon Reid MD 1845-1931


Half-length portrait of Reid wearing a black jacket.

William Louden Reid graduated MB, CM from the University of Glasgow in 1866, and had acted as a dresser to Joseph Lister as a student. He gained his MD in 1869 and became a Fellow of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1877. In the same year he began working as a physician at the Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital.

He held several other position in Glasgow during his career; Obstetric Physician to the Royal Maternity Hospital, Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Children in the Anderson College, Gynaecologist to the Western Infirmary and Consulting Surgeon to the Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women.

He became an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1931. Reid served as their President from 1905-1907.


Crawford, Robert Cree (Scottish painter, 1842-1924)


19th century



Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

74 x 61.5 cm


oil on canvas


Half-length portrait of Reid wearing a black jacket.

William Louden Reid graduated MB, CM from the University of Glasgow in 1866, and had acted as a dresser to Joseph Lister as a student. He gained his MD in 1869 and became a Fellow of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1877. In the same year he began working as a physician at the Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital.

He held several other position in Glasgow during his career; Obstetric Physician to the Royal Maternity Hospital, Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Children in the Anderson College, Gynaecologist to the Western Infirmary and Consulting Surgeon to the Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women.

He became an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1931. Reid served as their President from 1905-1907.

Portrait of Sir Hector Clare Cameron (1843-1928)


Dublin Core


Portrait of Sir Hector Clare Cameron (1843-1928)


Seated half-length against a dark background.

Cameron started his medical career studying at Edinburgh and then graduating from the University of Glasgow MB, CM in 1866. He gained his MD from the university in 1868.

He was taught by Joseph Lister as a medical student, going on to become his house surgeon and assistant at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. He was appointed Visiting Surgeon to the Infirmary in 1873.

Cameron then moved to the Glasgow Western Infirmary where he first acted as Visiting Surgeon in 1881, before taking over the position of Professor of Clinical Surgery at the Infirmary in 1900. He held several other positions during his career, which included working at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, the Glasgow Royal Asylum, the Glasgow Eye Infirmary and the Glasgow Lock Hospital.

Cameron served as President of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow from 1897 to 1900.


20th century



Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

95 x 89 cm


oil on canvas


Seated half-length against a dark background.

Cameron started his medical career studying at Edinburgh and then graduating from the University of Glasgow MB, CM in 1866. He gained his MD from the university in 1868.

He was taught by Joseph Lister as a medical student, going on to become his house surgeon and assistant at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. He was appointed Visiting Surgeon to the Infirmary in 1873.

Cameron then moved to the Glasgow Western Infirmary where he first acted as Visiting Surgeon in 1881, before taking over the position of Professor of Clinical Surgery at the Infirmary in 1900. He held several other positions during his career, which included working at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, the Glasgow Royal Asylum, the Glasgow Eye Infirmary and the Glasgow Lock Hospital.

Cameron served as President of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow from 1897 to 1900.

Portrait of  Roy Frew Young (1879-1948)


Dublin Core


Portrait of Roy Frew Young (1879-1948)


Roy Frew Young (1879–1948), President of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (1940–1942). Seated half-length in a grey suit.
Roy Frew Young was educated at Glasgow Academy and graduated in arts and medicine at Cambridge. He held a number of surgical posts in hospitals throughout the west of Scotland, including an early resident post under Sir George Beatson at the Western Infirmary. He served in France with the RAMC during the First World War and was awarded the Military Cross.

Young served on the Council of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons for eleven years and was President from 1940-1942. This portrait was commissioned by Young's house surgeons and assistants.


20th century



Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

38" x 30"


oil on canvas


Roy Frew Young (1879–1948), President of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (1940–1942). Seated half-length in a grey suit.

Portrait of William Macewen, CB DCL FRS 1848-1924


Dublin Core


Portrait of William Macewen, CB DCL FRS 1848-1924


Seated three-quarter length in a black suit against a dark background.
Macewen was a surgeon who worked in several hospitals in Glasgow, including the Royal Infirmary and the Western Infirmary. He was a pioneer of modern brain surgery and developed a number of operating techniques in bone surgery. He was also an early proponent of aseptic procedures in the operating theatre and often had surgical instruments and theatre furniture designed to his own specifications.


20th century



Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

36" x 28"


Oil on canvas


Seated three-quarter length in a black suit against a dark background.

Portrait of Professor Archibald Young, President 1935-1937


Dublin Core


Portrait of Professor Archibald Young, President 1935-1937


Seated half-length in a grey suit.

Archibald Young qualified MB,CM from the University of Glasgow in 1895 after which he spent time in Europe continuing his studies. After returning to Glasgow he worked under great mentors, including Joseph Coats and Sir William Macewen. He spent much of his career working at the Western Infirmary, gradually working his way up the surgical posts from Extra Dispensary Surgeon in 1903 to Visiting Surgery to the Infirmary in 1917.

Young was Regius Professor of Surgery at the University of Glasgow from 1924–1939 and President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow from 1935 to 1937.

This painting is the second portrait of Young painted by James Gunn. The first portrait, which was presented to Young in 1939, is now part of the University of Glasgow collection.


20th century




© estate of the artist

Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

74.5 x 63 cm


Oil on canvas


Seated half-length in a grey suit.

Archibald Young qualified MB,CM from the University of Glasgow in 1895 after which he spent time in Europe continuing his studies. After returning to Glasgow he worked under great mentors, including Joseph Coats and Sir William Macewen. He spent much of his career working at the Western Infirmary, gradually working his way up the surgical posts from Extra Dispensary Surgeon in 1903 to Visiting Surgery to the Infirmary in 1917.

Young was Regius Professor of Surgery at the University of Glasgow from 1924–1939 and President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow from 1935 to 1937.

This painting is the second portrait of Young painted by James Gunn. The first portrait, which was presented to Young in 1939, is now part of the University of Glasgow collection.

Portrait of Mr Douglas H Clark, President 1980-1982


Dublin Core


Portrait of Mr Douglas H Clark, President 1980-1982


Seated half-length in a blue jacket against a blue background.

Clark gained his MBChB from the University of Glasgow in 1940, with the help of bursaries from the Rainy Foundation and the Miners Welfare. He worked for some time with Sir Charles Illingworth and also spent a period serving in the army. He was Senior Registrar at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and was a Fellow of both the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

He gained a ChM in 1950 and an MD in 1957. He then worked as a consultant surgeon at the Glasgow Western Infirmary.

Clark was President of the College from 1980 to 1982.


c. 1980




© the artist's estate / Bridgeman Images

Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

97 x 94 cm


Oil on canvas


Seated half-length in a blue jacket against a blue background.

Clark gained his MBChB from the University of Glasgow in 1940, with the help of bursaries from the Rainy Foundation and the Miners Welfare. He worked for some time with Sir Charles Illingworth and also spent a period serving in the army. He was Senior Registrar at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and was a Fellow of both the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

He gained a ChM in 1950 and an MD in 1957. He then worked as a consultant surgeon at the Glasgow Western Infirmary.

Clark was President of the College from 1980 to 1982.

Portrait of Mr. Colin MacKay, President 1997-2000


Dublin Core


Portrait of Mr. Colin MacKay, President 1997-2000


Seated three-quarter length in robes.

MacKay graduated from the University of Glasgow MBChB in 1961. Mackay worked as a consultant surgeon at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and Gartnavel General Hospital.

He retired from clinical practice in 1996, going on to serve as president of the College from 1997-2000. He was awarded a CBE in 2000 for his services to medicine.


c. 2000




© the artist

Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

88 x 73 cm


Oil on canvas


Seated three-quarter length in robes.

MacKay graduated from the University of Glasgow MBChB in 1961. Mackay worked as a consultant surgeon at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and Gartnavel General Hospital.

He retired from clinical practice in 1996, going on to serve as president of the College from 1997-2000. He was awarded a CBE in 2000 for his services to medicine.

Portrait of W. R. Snodgrass, PRCPSG 1948-1950


Dublin Core


Portrait of W. R. Snodgrass, PRCPSG 1948-1950


Seated bust-length portrait of Snodgrass wearing college robes and President's badge.

William Robertson Snodgrass was a well-educated man, receiving several degrees from the University of Glasgow; MA in 1910, BSc in 1913, MBChB in 1913, and MD in 1935. He served with the Royal Army Medical Corps during the First World War and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1920.

After the War he became Chief Medical Adviser of the Glasgow Venereal Disease service. He worked as a physician at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow and was Consultant Physician at the Glasgow Western Infirmary by 1942.


20th century




© the artist's estate

Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

59.5 x 49.5 cm


Oil on canvas


Seated bust-length portrait of Snodgrass wearing college robes and President's badge.

William Robertson Snodgrass was a well-educated man, receiving several degrees from the University of Glasgow; MA in 1910, BSc in 1913, MBChB in 1913, and MD in 1935. He served with the Royal Army Medical Corps during the First World War and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1920.

After the War he became Chief Medical Adviser of the Glasgow Venereal Disease service. He worked as a physician at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow and was Consultant Physician at the Glasgow Western Infirmary by 1942.

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