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Photograph of Geoffrey B Fleming
Photograph of Geoffrey B Fleming.
Geoffrey Fleming graduated from the University of Cambridge BC in 1908, MB in 1910 and MD in 1914. Fleming worked as House Physician at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and the Glasgow Fever Hospitals. He also worked as Dispensary Physician at the Western Infirmary. After the First World War, where he served in the Royal Army Medical Corps, Fleming became Assistant Physician and later Physician to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow. Upon his retiral he became Consulting Physician to this hospital. In 1924 he was appointed Professor of Medical Paediatrics at the University of Glasgow.
He became a Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1926 and was president from 1946 to 1948.
Geoffrey Fleming graduated from the University of Cambridge BC in 1908, MB in 1910 and MD in 1914. Fleming worked as House Physician at the Glasgow Western Infirmary and the Glasgow Fever Hospitals. He also worked as Dispensary Physician at the Western Infirmary. After the First World War, where he served in the Royal Army Medical Corps, Fleming became Assistant Physician and later Physician to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow. Upon his retiral he became Consulting Physician to this hospital. In 1924 he was appointed Professor of Medical Paediatrics at the University of Glasgow.
He became a Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1926 and was president from 1946 to 1948.
c. 1946-1948
RCPSG 1/12/5/4