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A range of medical and health products are promoted in these advertising materials. We can't be sure if the advertisements worked, but since they were all being used as bookmarks it seems unlikely!

Inhalers and Tonic Wine

The first is an advertisement by the British Sanitary Company, West Regent Street, Glasgow, for Carrick's patent pneukoinon; or universal inhaler and respirator (c. 1900). The leaflet claims that the device is able to replicate "the warm, moist climate of Madeira, the pure, dry atmosphere of the Nile, or the frigid temperatures of the Arctic regions... in a few seconds."

Vibrona was advertised as "the ideal tonic wine" (c. 1930). Vibrona was apparently "supplied to the Royal household", although it is hard to image the "highest medical authorities" endorsing its use today. The reverse of the leaflet advertising Vibrona givies more detail on the ways in which Vibrona can help those suffering from influenza, pneumonia, typhoid, neuralgia, insomnia, and malarial fever.

"For the Medical Profession Only"

A uterine dliator is an instrument used to open up the cervix and increase access to the womb. The advertisement was written by Dr Alexander Duke, for a "new uterine dilator" manufactured by F. Walters & Co., London (c. 1900).  

The Paroleine Spray Compound was advertised on bookmarks. It was said to be used in treating "acute catarrhal conditions of the nose and naso-pharynx" (c. 1950). At the top of the bookmark is the statement, "For the Medical Profession Only". 

Even more peculiar finds include cigarette cards! The bottom two images show a cigarette card from a pack of Will's Cigarettes, with an illustration of tennis player George Patrick Hughes from 1931. The reverse of the card gives a short biography of tennis player George Patrick Hughes.